Tous les raccourcis Figma

Figma est l’outil par excellence pour le design d’interface.

Dans cet article, découvrez la liste de tous les raccourcis clavier (keyboard shortcuts) de Figma.

Les essentiels

Show / Hide UI⌘ \
Pick Color⌃ C
Quick Actions⌘ / ou ⌘ P

Les outils

Move ToolV
Frame ToolF
Pen ToolP
Pencil Tool⇧ P
Text ToolT
Rectangle ToolR
Ellipse ToolO
Line ToolL
Arrow Tool⇧ L
Add CommentC
Pick Color⌃ C
Slice ToolS


Show / Hide UI⌘ \
Multiplayer cursors⌥ ⌘ \
Rulers⇧ R
Outlines⌘ Y
Pixel preview⌃ P
Layout grids⌃ G
Pixel grid⌘ `
Open layers panel⌥ 1
Open assets panel⌥ 2
Open design panel⌥ 8
Open prototype panel⌥ 9
Open inspect panel⌥ 0


PanEspace drag
Zoom in+
Zoom out
Zoom to 100%⇧ 0
Zoom to fit⇧ 1
Zoom to selection⇧ 2
Zoom to previous frame⇧ N
Zoom to next frameN
Previous pagePage up
Next pagePage down
Find previous frameHome
Find next frameEnd


Bold⌘ B
Italic⌘ I
Underline⌘ U
Create link⌘ K
Strikethrough⇧ ⌘ X
Turn into a list⇧ ⌘ 7
Text align left⌥ ⌘ L
Text align center⌥ ⌘ T
Text align right⌥ ⌘ R
Text align justified⌥ ⌘ J
Adjust font size⇧ ⌘ < et ⇧ ⌘ >
Adjust font weight⇧ ⌥ < et ⇧ ⌥ >


Remove fill⌥ /
Remove stroke/
Swap fill and stroke⇧ X
Outline stroke⇧ ⌘ O
Flatten selection⌘ E
Join selection⌘ J
Smooth join selection⇧ ⌘ J
Delete and heal selection⇧ Delete


Select all⌘ A
Select inverse⇧ ⌘ A
Select noneEsc
Deep select⌘ Click
Select layer menu⌘ right-click
Select children
Select parent⇧ ↩
Select next siblingTab
Select previous sibling⇧ Tab
Group selections⌘ G
Ungroup selection⇧ ⌘ G
Frame selection⌥ ⌘ G
Show / Hide selection⇧ ⌘ H
Lock / Unlock selection⇧ ⌘ L


Measure to selection (while pointing)
Duplicate selection (while moving)
Deep select⌘ Click
Select layer menu⌘ Right-click
Deep select within rectangle⌘ Drag
Resize from center (while dragging)
Resize proportionally (while dragging)
Move while resizing (while dragging)Space
Ignore constraints (frames only, while dragging)


Copy⌘ C
Cut⌘ X
Paste⌘ V
Paste over selection⇧ ⌘ V
Duplicate⌘ D
Rename selection⌘ R
Export⇧ ⌘ E
Copy properties⌥ ⌘ C
Paste properties⌥ ⌘ V
Copy as PNG⇧ ⌘ C


Flip horizontal⇧ H
Flip vertical⇧ V
Use a mask⌃ ⌘ M
Edit shape or image
Place image⇧ ⌘ K
Crop image⌥ Double-click
Set opacity to 101
Set opacity to 505
Set opacity to 1000


Bring forward⌘ ]
Send backward⌘ [
Bring to front⌥ ⌘ [
Send to back⌥ ⌘ ]
Align left⌥ A
Align right⌥ D
Align top⌥ W
Align bottom⌥ S
Align centers⌥ H et ⌥ V
Distribute spacing⌃ ⌥ H et ⌃ ⌥ V
Tidy up⌃ ⌥ T
Add auto layout⇧ A
Remove auto layout⌥ ⇧ A


Show assets⌥ 2
Team library⌥ ⌘ O
Create component⌥ ⌘ K
Detach intense⌥ ⌘ B
Swap component instance
Show components menu⇧ I


Scale viewZ
Restart prototypeR

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